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“And he told the crowd to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish. He looked up toward heaven and blessed the food. Then he broke the bread and handed it to the disciples, and they gave it to the people.”   Matthew 14 v 19 (CEV) A little portion from VISION BUILDERS' “Understanding The Helps Ministry” Manual reads; “Had Jesus never appointed people to work with him, would we have anything left of the ministry of Jesus today? Had Paul never had men and women work with him, would we have had anything left of the ministry of Paul today?” It is amazing to us how this particular message, in both the manual and audio forms have blessed so many lives. After attending one of our seminars, this particular Pastor said to me, “Please come and tell my people 'You are important!' Everybody wants to know that he or she is important, and that they are vital for certain things to move smoothly. Even nature attests to this. Scientists say plants are sensitive
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  Supernatural Service Serving in the HELPS Ministry is a Supernatural thing. Your service protects your Pastor from the distractions posed by attending to those daily ministrations that others can perform, and probably even more effectively too! These Duties could be as simple as cleaning the seats in the sanctuary or as complex as leading a Department or Committee that handles key aspects of the church.  Acts 6:2 & 4, “It is not seemly or desirable or right that we should have to give up or neglect [PREACHING] THE WORD OF GOD in order to attend to serving at tables and superintending the distribution of food ...But we will continue to devote ourselves steadfastly to PRAYER AND THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD” (AMP, EMPHASIS mine. Core Duties are capitalized) God Bless!  Culled from  The MINISTRY OF HELPS  by  Tope A. Banjo  (2013)  GET YOUR COPY NOW @  


2g. THE 'ORGANIZED' HELPS MINISTRY In the local church, you would usually have the Associate Pastors, Deacons, Elders, Heads of Department, Committees and Departmental Workers. You can plot their work and progress on a chart because their job descriptions are usually largely defined (much unlike the freelance or unorganized Helps operations).  This is the type of Helps ministry we see established in Acts chapter 6:1-6 when the serving of tables became a crisis point in the Jerusalem church.  Once this was set up the apostles could focus on their primary duties of prayer and the preaching of the Word. God Bless!  Culled from The MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013) GET YOUR COPY NOW @  


TWO METHODS OF HELPS / 7 2f. THE ORGANIZED HELPS MINISTRY Freelance help can be a great blessing to the church when done from the heart and within house regulations. There are however risks of freelancing for immodest personal gains. An example is Ananias and Saphirra in Acts 5:1-11, NLT.  [4]When you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it; For He has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you have vowed— [5]Better not to vow than to vow and not pay. Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 (see v6-7), NKJV, NLT. Truth is, you do not have to volunteer or commit to do anything. And if you do, ensure you follow through.  God Bless!  Culled from The MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013) GET YOUR COPY NOW @  


TWO METHODS OF HELPS / 6 2e. THE ORGANIZED HELPS MINISTRY: Find Out If Your Gift Meets Specification Trust me, there is nothing as poor as a gift that cannot be used or enjoyed as the giver intended. If you intend to give non-monetary gifts to your church, be sure that your gift is within specification of what is required.  Examples are Believers in Acts 4:32-37 (NKJV) and Dorcas who, "...was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor" in Acts 9:36-43 (NLT).  Dorcas fell sick and died, but people she had blessed sent for Apostle Peter. He prayed. God brought Dorcas back to life. Dorcas' service in this regard even saved her life.  How are you affecting the lives of the people around you? It could save your life someday.  God Bless!  Culled from The MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013) GET YOUR COPY NOW @


TWO METHODS OF HELPS / 5 2d. The Organized Helps Ministry: Identify And Use The Established Channels In The Church Although you may be meeting real needs, you will be helping your Pastor better if you align your 'freelance' operations with the church's regulations. No matter how small the congregation, there are already established channels for getting things done.   In case of giving money and financial assistance to Causes or individuals within the church, use the already established channel for helping or serving the needy. If, perchance, your church does not have any such channels, then do it [anonymously] through a leader or address your gift [anonymously] to the person in question and drop it at the church office or even in the offering basket.  Truth is, established channels are designed to protect you from people who take undue advantage of goodwill and generosity.  God Bless!  Culled from The MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013) GET YOUR COPY NOW @ https://v


TWO METHODS OF HELPS / 5 2c. The Organized Helps Ministry: Put Some Order Into Your 'Freelancing'! Last session, I mentioned that, in a local church, two methods of HELPS are in operation: 1. Those who can help; and,  2. The Organized Helps Ministry. Last session, we talked about an extra room built to make Pastor's work easier as he battled with his stomach problems. Doing this was not particularly anybody's job, but it was a much required service. The 'Freelance' helps ministry came to his rescue.  There are however a number of things to note about supporting the work in your church as a freelancer: 1) Identify and use the established channels in the church 2) Find out if your gift meets specification. God Bless!  Culled from The MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013) GET YOUR COPY NOW @  


TWO METHODS OF HELPS / 4: 2b. The Organized Helps Ministry   Last session, I mentioned that, in a local church, two methods of HELPS are in operation: 1. Those who can help; and,  2. The Organized Helps Ministry. I once read an interesting story about the effect of 'freelance helpers' when they get to work: “In one ministry years ago, the Pastor had something wrong with his stomach and had bowel problems all the time. Sometimes, by the time he had run down the hallway to the bathroom it was too late. But he went on a vacation one time, and by the time he got back and walked into his office, there was another room! Some people had come in while he was gone and built him a bathroom to help him so he would not have to run down the hall." God Bless!  Culled from The MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013) GET YOUR COPY NOW @


TWO METHODS OF HELPS / 3: 2a. The Organized Helps Ministry Last session, we saw that, in a local church, two methods of HELPS are in operation: 1. Those who can help; and,  2. The Organized Helps Ministry.  I will limit my discussion to the operations of the HELPS ministry in a local church assembly, as it relates to the Pastor.  You see, the local church is the hub of ministry. Reason is, even the field ministries must flow from the local assembly. Every generation of ministry should find its root in one local assembly. Suffice to say, the HELPS ministry is raised, equipped and designed by God to provide AID, RELIEF and SUPPORT for every work that He ordained. A term that may aptly describe those who can help is 'freelance helpers'.  They see needs that often the established administration may not even notice, and they move in their own way to meet these needs. They may motivate others to move with them to meet the needs.  God Bless!  Culled from The MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope


TWO METHODS OF HELPS / 2 1b. Those Who Can Help  Last session, we saw that, in a local church, two methods of HELPS are in operation: 1. Those who can help; and,  2. The Organized Helps Ministry. The Contemporary English Version bible translates HELPS in 1st Corinthians 12:28 as, “Those who help others.” There are merely slight differences in administrative setup to harness HELPS service on each part. Where pastors have church members who support and provide the financial and workforce needs of the church and ministry, field ministries, have Partners who render the required support.  God Bless!  Culled from The Ministry of Helps by Tope A. Banjo (2013) Get your copy now @


TWO METHODS OF HELPS 1a. Those Who Can Help In a local church, we see two methods of HELPS in operation. I want to call them: 1. Those who can help; and,  2. The Organized Helps Ministry. The Contemporary English Version bible translates HELPS in 1st Corinthians 12:28 as, “Those who help others.”  For any type of ministry call, whether pastoral or non-pastoral, God will always touch the heart of men and women to help the work in different ways, at varying levels and at strategic times. Those who help others operate within the local church assembly and also across ministry borders. That is, they provide support for both the Pastor as well as field ministers (called ministers who do not pastor church congregations).  God Bless!  Culled from The Ministry of Helps by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


WHAT IS THE ‘HELPS’ MINISTRY / 3 Whenever a God-given Vision is declared, there will also be a call for helpers to support the sent minister.  As a Church Member, you have been called to serve God by supporting your Pastor. As a Ministry work Volunteer, Employee or Partner, supporting your Minister is a service to God. As a Church work Leader or Worker, supporting your Pastor is a service to God.  God Bless!  Culled from The Ministry of Helps by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


WHAT IS THE ‘HELPS’ MINISTRY / 2 The service of Helps goes beyond merely being registered as 'active' in one department or the other.  The work that qualifies as HELPS is that which actually directly or indirectly relieves your Pastor, and assists him or her to focus on the duties of oversight in order to achieve God's goals in the lives of the people. God Bless!  Culled from The Ministry of Helps by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


WHAT IS THE ‘HELPS’ MINISTRY? WHILE SPEAKING AT A CHURCH WORKERS' training workshop, I asked, “What does 'help' mean to you?” One young lady answered, “Taking the burden off someone else”!  Quite apt, or don't you think?  The service of Helps encompasses the whole gamut of:  - Who does what duty? - How it is done; and,  - The Attitude of the doer  God Bless!  Culled from The Ministry of Helps by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


  YOU ARE DIVINELY POSITIONED AND EQUIPPED TO SUPPORT As an official member of a Ministry or local Church member, you occupy a strategic position in God's plan as it concerns your own Minister or local Pastor's Calling and divine assignment. But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state. For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state. Philippians 2:19-20 Give your Duty your best. Timothy never knew he'd been biblically and eternally remembered this way! God Bless!  Culled from THE MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


  GREAT WONDERS AND SIGNS! There's a HELPS Duty which God has supernaturally gifted you to perform within the Calling of your Minister or local Pastor.  Act 6:8 declares that as Stephen served tables for daily distribution to the widows, "...Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people." The Unction or Empowerment of The Holy Spirit available for The Ministry of HELPS equips you to perform your Duty with lasting results with great wonders and signs! God Bless!  Culled from THE MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


  KNOW YOUR DUTY-POST!  To know the Official Requirements for Duties in the Ministry or local Church where you are, take time to find out:  1) The available necessary Duties  2) What Skills, Knowledge or Experience that each Duty requires 3) Compare 1 and 2 with your available personal time to perform the Duty and your Work Skills. Do you already meet the Official requirements? Which Duty do your present Skills, Knowledge or Experience fit more comfortably with?  4) Pray for God to help you decide. Also talk sincerely with the Leaders in charge of those particular Duties.  You will get God's direction! God Bless!  Culled from THE MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


ACT 6:3 SPIRITUAL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: 3 ACT 6:3 SPIRITUAL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS  are important for identifying leaders and Workers for any HELPS Duty in any Ministry or local Church. [3] of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; [5]...full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Acts 6:3,5. The entire congregation could identify Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas because were already responsibly involved according to Acts 6:3,5 ! Is your current position like these nominated men in Acts 6:3-5 or like the complainants in Acts 6:1 ? God Bless! Culled from THE MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


ACT 6:3 SPIRITUAL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: 2 Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch were nominated, prayed over and OFFICIALLY set to work.  The ministry's expected results from that Duty was achieved, [7]Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith. (Acts 6:5-7) God Bless!  Culled from THE MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


Act 6:3,5 Spiritual Service Requirements: 1 The Apostles required, [3] of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; [5]...full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Acts 6:3,5 Spiritual Service Requirements are the primary, official way to identify OFFICIALLY RESPONSIBLE PERSONS for any Duty Post in any Minister or Pastor's Work. The entire congregation conveniently identified these seven men.  Develop your personality with God's WORD. This is how God Almighty empowers you even beyond a Duty in the Ministry or local Church! God Bless! Culled from THE MINISTRY OF HELPS by Tope A. Banjo (2013)


HELPS is God's design. As an OFFICIALLY APPOINTED Leader or Duty Worker, your position is an official platform with God's Empowerment. Anyway you look at it, your time committed to your HELPS Duty within your Minister's Ministry Work or local Pastor's Church Work makes you extremely vital. God has already placed supernatural Empowerment within you to support your Minister or local Pastor for the fulfilment of God's Calling and divine assignment upon them! (1 Corinthians 12:28) God Bless! The Ministry of Helps by Tope A. Banjo (2013)