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“And he told the crowd to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish. He looked up toward heaven and blessed the food. Then he broke the bread and handed it to the disciples, and they gave it to the people.”   Matthew 14 v 19 (CEV)

A little portion from VISION BUILDERS' “Understanding The Helps Ministry” Manual reads; “Had Jesus never appointed people to work with him, would we have anything left of the ministry of Jesus today? Had Paul never had men and women work with him, would we have had anything left of the ministry of Paul today?” It is amazing to us how this particular message, in both the manual and audio forms have blessed so many lives. After attending one of our seminars, this particular Pastor said to me, “Please come and tell my people 'You are important!'

Everybody wants to know that he or she is important, and that they are vital for certain things to move smoothly. Even nature attests to this. Scientists say plants are sensitive to words. If you don’t believe me, take time out every day and tell your garden that it looks so ugly. Write me your results after one month. Whatever is appreciated increases in value and effect over time. Whatever you talk or play down will reduce in value and effect.

You are needed! Somebody said, “I feel like a Nobody”. This is only because you are waiting for someone to appreciate you. While that is not bad, there is a sure way of getting appreciation- Use your Mouth! What if no one ever tells you that, “You’re important?” Come on. Tell yourself today, tomorrow, in fact every waking day, say it out loud, “I AM SOMEBODY! I AM SPECIAL. I AM NEEDED IN THE BODY OF CHRIST!”

Everybody wants to know that he or she is important, and that they are vital for certain things to move smoothly.

Maximize your own worth, and you will become more efficient. Minimize your worth and you’re on the way to becoming irrelevant! No one wants to be involved with “minimum” benefits in any association. Take your worth from God Almighty who made you. See yourself in the light of His immutable word. 

Now ‘Position’, on its own, does not translate to spiritual effectiveness, just like concrete blocks do not translate into a house. It is an instrument, an advantage, or you could call it a gift to be used to do things for others. Our footprints will remain in the sands of time if our work and service is in spirit and truth. When I talk about lasting accomplishments, I am not referring to only the monumental achievements that natural men see, feel, or hear about. I particularly mean the sort that the Lord attests to. Apostle Paul said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith...” [2 Timothy 4 v 7] 

This wasn’t one of those boastful claims. It was Heaven’s testimonial of his service to God and humanity. And it must be so since, “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God...” Paul echoed what God was saying about his own service. You and I need to ask, and know what the Lord’s view is about our spiritual service. 

In Genesis 4 v 7, the question from the Father’s heart to each one of us is still the same, “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” To become a necessary part of my church family lays the onus on me to do my service well. It may not be perfect, as are most things that man is involved with, but it can be excellent.

In our opening text, Jesus used others to serve the food. Angels could have done that. The experience of Elijah’s sustenance shows that God could have sent birds. That would even demonstrate his majesty, humanly speaking, that is. But he did not. He used men who lacked perfection, just like you and I. He is not interested in how straight you can draw a line. He is more concerned in your heart. Does it ‘draw a straight line’? 

The Lord Jesus wants to use you. That’s the reason YOU are needed. He has invested a certain grace and abilities in you to help your Pastor. You are important to God in your own special and very unique way. He has a very special purpose for your life. The uniqueness of your God-ordained purpose is what makes you special and NEEDED. My purpose is not to just excite you about serving the Lord in your church, but if you get excited about it let God be praised! If a man cannot get excited about serving God, what does he have to live for?

The Lord Jesus wants to use you. 

That’s the reason YOU are needed!

Today, I believe the Lord wants you to realize more than ever that you are important to His work. "You are needed!"

Often we think less of ourselves and our worth because we derive value from carnal things like position and wealth. You are vital to the work in your church. You may not multiply any loaves, but you can be the one putting it in the hands of the hungry and needy ones. Your Pastor may not have the privilege of giving everyone a personal smile and handshake every Sunday, but you can as you serve in the Greeters department. Pastor may not know every child’s name, but you have an opportunity for free that he has to pay for, since you care for the children. Determine today to be the hand that Jesus uses to touch others. The truth, beloved is this: YOU ARE NEEDED!

Any Questions on Helps Ministry?


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