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Some years ago, I was invited to speak
at a Church’s Worker's Training Programme. One of the questions during the interactive session was, 'How does a church member help the Pastor fulfill his God-given vision?' I would like to share with you what some simple steps to fulfilling your Pastor's vision.

Step 1: Understand the Pastoral Office

The pastoral office is one of the leadership ministries appointed in the Body of Christ by the Lord Jesus in Ephesians 4. The Pastor is the chief administrator of the local assembly.

According to Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, “He is the one who gets the blame when things go wrong.” God has made him (or her) responsible for the well being of the church community. This responsibility applies to both pioneer and supporting pastors.

Step 2: Change 'the' Pastor into 'My Pastor'

People go to great extents to personalize their gifts and property. Anyone

Personalizing anything not given to him is labeled a thief. You naturally call it yours. She's 'your wife', they are 'your children', it is 'your car'. The implications of this are interesting. You claim access to the benefits those persons or property can give. Now apply this to your Pastor.

You need to consciously recognize 'the pastor' as your pastor. It is only then that the grace and anointing upon him can benefit you.

Step 3: Locate Your Position For Service Within Your Pastor's Vision

Romans 12:4-8 shows the different service gifts in the local assembly. Locate which operates in your life. It will be a guide to finding your own unit of best fit to serve in. You shouldn't be a guest in your family house.

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to live with a lovely family. Everything was done for me, and I was having the time of my life. But one morning it dawned on me that I wasn't living in a hotel and so needed to graft myself into that family. I found something to do. I would wake up early enough everyday to get one of the cars cleaned and ready for the day. Four years later, the mother of the house was telling her friends that her son (that's me) had graduated from the University of Benin.

The Work In The Church Is Part Of Your
Pastor's Vision, And As Such Getting
Involved Will Be Lending A Very Welcome
Helping Hand.

Your home church is your spiritual family house in a sense. Guests are waited on. Family members wait on other members of the family. Get something doing. The work in the church is part of your Pastor's vision, and as such getting involved will

be lending a very welcome helping hand. According to Rev Buddy Bell, H-E-L-P-S means Having Enough Loving People Serving. You can be such a loving person.

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