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“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Roms 12:2

One thing common to every kind of industry is work practice. There's a way every professional works. There's a pervading attitude. There are things that others know them for. Medical personnel are known for saving lives and caring for the sick and infirm. Teachers provide knowledge, instruction and mentorship. Church workers are known for…

What are Church Workers known for?

Spiritual or ministry service cannot be defined as secular occupations are. The ministry paid or volunteer worker's motivations are godly, not monetary. His reward system is divine, not management's standards. His basis for improving and doing better is to ensure better lives for others. His requirement for enlistment is willingness and obedience. His work tool is faith. His hope is unseen but real. A church worker's job description is 'To minister'. And he/she does so via the various departments and committees set up to meet different needs in the local assembly.

I believe the first time we see the need for church workers was in Jerusalem (Acts 6). The job description was simple – “Seek out from among you seven men… whom we may appoint over this business”. The work of developing and sustaining the new Christian community got to a point that required and demanded division of labour. The apostles clearly could not handle the work anymore. And this point will come in different stages in the life of your local church family. As your church family grows numerically, it will continue to outgrow its workforce. As a result, more labourers will be needed. In some cases, there will be greater demand for more professional capabilities and skills.

Now, what makes working in church different from your regular nine to five job? I believe five things stand out.

I.  The Spirit

ii.  The Motive and Method

iii. The People involved

iv. The Reward

v.  The Requirements and Qualifications

The spirit of spiritual service is Love. We serve to bring benefit to others. The Usher stands almost throughout the service to help others find order and keep order. The Follow-up Team visits to help first-timers to the church feel welcome. The counselors take the risk of being misunderstood and misinterpreted just so they can help others find the godly way through their issues. How about the Benevolence unit, the protocol officials, not to mention the regular church staff members? They maintain their duty posts so others can find the blessings that God promised them. While the secular employer rates some jobs more important than others, "All service ranks the same with God," according to Robert Browning. 

Ministry methods, though seemingly unconventional, are godly. They may seem strange but are wisdom to the initiated. We pay back evil with good. We forgive when offended but still dare to reach out if the offender requires our help again. We obey because we want to not because we have to. We give not because of what the receiver can pay back. Higher platforms of service mean more responsibility and accountability. We do not lord it over subordinates but serve to lift others. We work for the Heavenly Father's commendation, not the accolades of mortal men. However, the downside of all these is, when you don't perform and act in line with the expectations of your job description problems arise – like with every job area.

While the secular employer rates some jobs more important than others, all service ranks the same with God

Things will fall out of place and many people will be let down, disappointed and discouraged when you use your position to gain selfish advantage. God has gifted you so you can also be a blessing to others in your church family. You need to be engaged in service in your church so that God’s gift in your life will be translated into blessing for others.

Many years ago, *Femi became quite discouraged about working in his church and decided to become a 'bench-warmer'. One day, the Drama group in his church staged a play. Interestingly, the message of the play was that even when you serve, others may hurt and offend you, but still serve because you love God. Forgive them and get on with serving God. Femi's heart was touched and made a new decision – to serve regardless what others may or may not say or do. The good news is, *Femi still serves in a number of departments in his church today.

The gift of service upon the Drama group members became translated into encouragement and comfort to Femi as he watched their play. Had they not presented that play, Femi would probably have dropped out from being a blessing to the hundreds that he has been privileged to serve today.

As a volunteer or full-time ministry staff, you may be hurt and disappointed from those you serve up-line and down-line, but that is not reason enough to drop out. Serve, because you love God! tVB

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