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"And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration." Acts 6:1

Growth has two faces – the good and then the ugly. The good we love to talk about, but the bad we prefer to turn away from. But when it comes to human resource development in the church, you can’t avoid having the ugly except you prepare adequately to avoid it.

The ugly face of growth is what you get when no systems have been prepared to meet the needs generated by growth. For example, space in the venue of worship. If you carry on without a plan to increase or acquire more space, you may find yourself frequently resolving space issues among members of the congregation, and it won’t be because they are not ‘spiritual’ enough.

Another ugly face is dwindling commitment of members to spiritual service in the church. Without excusing or endorsing this, there are a number of reasons that leaders do not come to terms with. This has become a very sore point for many leaders especially in recent times when traffic and other things are blamed especially in the urban areas.

Most congregations start out with a base of mostly young single adults. As time goes on, marriages start to occur and children begin to come. The demographic structure of the church, and in particular, the departments and units where these individuals serve, start changing. The administrative structures of the departments however do not change with the emerging patterns. It’s much like buying clothes for a child at five years and expecting him to still wear them through his teenage years. If he does, there’s a big problem. Happily he won’t, even if he wants to.

Bring home this impact on a department which had twenty members all single at its inception. Four years down the line, 8 members are married and six have children. Can the head of such a department honestly expect to achieve the same level of time and financial commitments from these new demographic ‘structure’ using the old regime of administration? This is the point where many leaders and heads of units begin to complain, “It seems that once people get married, or God blesses them with jobs, their commitment drops!” There’s more to this problem than meets the eyes. How can this problem be addressed?


In dealing with such cases, because you will have them (that is if you’re not already experiencing it), you must decide what you want. Do you want to keep the show running or to win your people’s commitment back?

I believe that it would not serve your leadership to try to enforce commitment. These persons are not the enemy. They were once committed. What changed is their circumstance. They ne dot be wisely guided back onto the straight and narrow way. New laws will only get you Compliance, but Compliance is an ugly face! People settle for compliance instead of commitment when their leaders do not recognize and adequately address the realities on ground that affect their people’s previously demonstrated commitment to spiritual service. Committed people naturally do more than their expected due. Compliant people barely meet the cut-off mark. This is why new laws have not totally succeeded in having people totally ‘present’ spirit, soul and body even when they attend their department’s functions.


What would make a lady who attended every meeting while she was single seem to slow down in her spiritual service after she got married? A number of things – a new social life, a new set of responsibilities she cannot dodge, a new set of expectations she never thought she’d have to live up to, etc.

While she could pick up a snack pack from the eatery a few weeks ago, now she has to cook for her husband. Consideration for her spouse now determines how long she can stay out if and when she goes out. A whole new world just took over her life! And it’s not being made easier by her HOD who complaints she no more attends meetings. Soon she is faced with paying fines for absence as compensation for missing meetings. What about the single brother who volunteered for any activity that required a man when he was still jobless? Those twenty four free hours wouldn’t be so free when he gets gainfully employed. That’s a simple fact.


Plan for it! These changes will come. You cannot hope against them, but you can absorb and transform these changes into advantages. How? Create a ‘Care Device’ Program. Don’t complain that a child has outgrown his new clothes too quickly. Buy new ones!


A ‘device’ is defined as, ‘An instrumentality invented for a particular purpose’; ‘Any clever maneuver’; ‘Any technique used to evoke a particular emotional response in an audience’. A Device is created to fix specific problems, and achieve specific results. A program ‘care device’ could be a temporary arrangement or a permanent feature like the appointment of deacons to serve tables. The end result is to help affected persons transition through their changes without missing out of the action or being left out. You could create a supplementary roster or activities to accommodate such persons. Truth is, you can’t and shouldn’t throw such persons away, especially if they showed a good level of commitment before their circumstances changed. The bottom-line is showing genuine care for those whose situations are changing whether for better or for worse. There is no single suggestion that will fit all situations. You just have to seek ways within your means and if all you can naturally do fails, you still have the miraculous power of God on your side like Moses, Joshua, Paul and all the others in the Bible.

This is what the apostle did in Acts chapter six. They created a system to address the cultural differences that were fast becoming a source of division instead of the gain of evangelism. God made Moses bring water come out of a rock for the people. You may say they grumbled, but someone should have thought about that when leading a nation into an uninhabitable desert. You have a duty to minister to, and care for, your people regardless of their situations. If you don’t want dirty diapers, don’t have children! These times may be very trying and could be quite tiring, but trust me, you’ll benefit from the love and support such persons will show in return for your patience and care. But then, once you start loving and caring for people in your different, you can be sure of another problem – the word will spread and more people will come to join your department! Anyway, that’s a good problem, don’t you think? Stay blessed!

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